Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cold Air = dry skin!

Besides shivering, has anyone else noticed that their skin is wrecking havoc?!  My hands are feeling the worst, ugh.

Chelsea from Pure Skin Tone is here on the blog with some great skin tips for over the winter months!  Thanks for being here today :)

The winter months wear on, you may notice your skin begins to feel tighter and tighter. It loses its normal elasticity, making you look worn down and less vibrant. It may turn red, even when you’re not out in the cold, or become rough, cracked, chapped, sore or itchy. Days pass while you frantically apply moisturizer and wonder what the heck is going on. Pretty soon you feel ready to panic.

Sound like you? Calm down. Winter is a common time for dry skin, and even if you have a normal or sometimes-oily complexion, winter’s drop in temperatures brings an associated decrease in moisture that parches your face, hands and other exposed areas of the body. Indoor heating and hot water dry you out further, which isn’t helped by the use of harsh products, abandonment of sunblock and a slavish devotion to skincare regimens that we don’t bother to update for winter.

It’s no surprise that our skin responds poorly. But knowledge is power, and you don’t have to be a victim. Instead, take control of your complexion by upping your exfoliation routine to get rid of dry skin and pore-clogging irritants. Use an oil-based moisturizer that increases your protection against moisture-zapping heat, and stick to your UV protection: you need it in winter too.

Still feeling dry? No problem. Try these 10 tips on for size and see immediate results in your skin’s flexibility, health and glow.

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